Martina Wright MA BPC
Counselling & Psychotherapy for the West Midlands & Worcestershire

Psychotherapy #01


What is Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a helping relationship that gives you the space to think about yourself and your life.

By thinking and talking together with a trained psychotherapist, you may find it easier to understand how past experiences, current patterns of thought and behaviour, or anxieties about the future are causing difficulties in your present life.

Through the relationship with your therapist and the shared exploration of your life, the hope is that you will find relief from recurring problems, live life more fully and realise your full potential. This is a process of change, as well as understanding.

Why do I need Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy?

If you are at a stage in your life where you can no-longer deal with the pain, disappointment or conflict then it is time to seek help. Once you have started psychotherapy gradually you and your therapist build up a relationship of trust, where unconscious motivations and feelings that underlie your conflict and confusion can be brought to light. This can be interpreted by the therapist who will encourage you to face negative thoughts and feelings, which may have previously been hidden in the unconscious. This is a difficult and challenging proces and will gradually happen over a period of time.

However the results from your commitment to psychotheraputic process can unocver the unconscious and give you a choice you did not have until now to change your way of feeling or behaving, offering a new beginning to your life.

To book your first session with me today CLICK HERE

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